15 March, 2011

Mystery Meat

I got home last night after a very long and relaxing trip to Wisconsin to find a ziploc bag of pork chops in my mailbox. Seriously. Who does something like that!?

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Bookended by Harry's.. Wrapped up with Bloody Mary's

Weekend in Milwaukee was spectacular.

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13 August, 2010

Heat, damned heat

My god this summer has been (is) damned hot. In fairness to the heat I'm taking a bit of joy away from it. I haven't once heard a single person complain that "global warming" is a farce.

Generally, statements such as "so much for global warming!" come in the dead of winter here in the Midwest. To be sure that inappropriate buzz-phrase "global warming" is an ear catcher, but global climate change is such a better descriptor.

Anyway, it is hot, damned hot, and I need a snow-cone and a new moleskine notebook.


07 February, 2010


Just got a new pair of Asolo boots. They are my first pair of model number 520. Actually, my first pair period They rock. And I'm one step closer to being ready for Mexico.

Now, I need a sleeping bag, tent and other gear I can't afford.

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21 November, 2009

Swine flu

I have spent the better part of the last six days horizontal. In misery. Vertical only when necessary. Hoping that another 12 or so hours would pass before I would have to rise again. There was a spike approximately 2 weeks ago in H1N1 in this area, and i thought we had made it through unscathed.

The pain from this flu was wretched.

I was supposed to be in Death Valley, California, enjoying a week in the desert. More importantly, a week out of the miserable gray that is St. Louis this time of year.

Tonight a 5:30 p.m. I turned a corner. Here's hoping there's no relapse!

10 October, 2009

This is a test run of blogpress (the free one) for the iphone.

Picture taken of a large oak tree in the park (which should be aligned to the right).

A phone call came in and blogpress didn't auto save a long paragraph I was working on when the call came in. That kind of sucks. Also I can't seem to get a title when I tap the box.

Though im not going to let such little things bother me as it is A lovely fall day, and the bloody rain finally stopped.

I spent the past week on the east coast. In Virginia specifically. I had a job interview of sorts, and post visit I am very, very excited about the upcoming project(s).

I have come to a sobering realization over this past week.

I realized that i am a seatfiller for the project I am currently involved with. It doesn't matter what I come up with idea-wise, someone else is supposed to already be doing it. I am left with nearly no option for publications and that is frustrating as hell. Oh well.

The foliage is starting to change and that and the new job prospect make me smile.

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31 July, 2009